Personal web page: Linkedn
Host Institution: SRI PAS
Supervisor: Ewa Bednarczuk
Workpackages to which it is related: WP1, WP2, WP4
Objectives: Enlarging spectrum of opportunities for the application of convex optimization through convex relaxation and going beyond convexity, e.g., incorporating global optimization tools, generalized convexity, hyper-parameter analysis.
My name is Giovanni Bruccola and I am a recent college graduate with a Master’s Degree in management engineering at “La Sapienza, University of Rome” and I choose a curriculum focused on mathematical optimization. The title of my thesis, which was done in collaboration with ACT OR, is “Study of a warehouse optimization model with the support of the statistical analysis”.
I chose to apply for the ESR11 PhD position within the TraDE-OPT European network because during my University career I have learned the ever-growing importance of Big Data problems and the effectiveness of global optimization tools in real world issues.
At sixteen years old, I spent an interesting quarter in Auckland, New Zealand, studying in a local high school. I am also a Shotokan Karate black belt. I have been in the Italian traditional karate team and I participated in many international competitions like the SKIF world cup in Jakarta 2016.