
  • Final conference

    The final TraDE-OPT conference, dedicated to Optimization for Machine Learning and Inverse Problems, will provide an opportunity for TraDE-OPT participants, including all PhD students, to present the results of their PhD. Besides the main scientific part, including presentations by invited keynote speakers, it will feature a day dedicated to the PhD students and focused on grant writing and the job market.

    Visit the conference webpage

  • TraDE-OPT Spring School

    Our Spring School, organized exclusively for TraDE-Opt ESRs and dedicated to quality management and structured problem solving as well as PhD defense rehearsal, will take place between March 27 and March 31, 2023, at the University of Graz! The school will feature training and certification for Level 1 TRIZ (teoriya resheniya izobretatelskikh zadatch, "theory of inventive problem solving"), a set of practical tools for understanding and solving problems in a rigorous and systematic way. The PhD defense rehearsal will include videotaping and group feedback.

    Visit the school webpage 

  • Back to Optimization

  • As a way to kick off after the vacation, some of our TraDE-OPT ESRs participated in the “International conference on optimization and decision science-ODS2022" in Florence, ITALY, from August 30 to September 2. The ESRs contributed actively to two invited sessions entitled “Optimization for machine learning 1 and 2". Topics included the Douglas-Rachford method, distributed extensions, randomized block sparse methods, asynchronous parallel algorithms, and iterative regularization.

    The ESRs also enjoyed the cultural experience by discovering the beautiful Florence.

    Check out our blog for more information

  • Workshop on Algorithmic and Continuous Optimization

    Our first workshop, dedicated to Algorithmic and Continuous Optimization, took place between July 4 and July 8, 2022, at UCLouvain. The workshop provided an opportunity for TraDE-OPT participants, including all PhD students, to meet in person for the first time.

    Visit the workshop webpage

  • School on Optimization Methods for Machine Learning and Inverse Problems

    The school Optimization Methods for Machine Learning and Inverse Problems was virtually hosted at CentraleSupelec from July 5 to July 9, 2021.

    Visit the school webpage

  • Winter School

    The first school within TraDE-OPT happened from February 15 to 19, 2021, and was virtually hosted by TU Braunschweig.

    Visit the school webpage

Last update 31 January 2025