Project: Machine learning for inverse problems
Host Institution: CAMELOT
Project: Machine learning for inverse problems
Supervisors: Curzio Basso, with Silvia Villa
Personal web page: jchirinosrguez
Workpackages to which it is related: WP1, WP2, WP3, WP4
Objectives: new theoretical and algorithmic advances in unsupervised features learning from multivariate time series, and their translation into software packages to be inserted in software systems used by industrial partners to detect anomalies and objects.
I did my Bachelor's degree (4 years) in Mathematics at Universidad de La Laguna, in Spain. After that, I did my Master in Science, called "Máster en matemáticas y aplicaciones" (1 year) at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, which was focused in Pure Mathematics.
Motivation: I'm interested in mathematics in general. Right now, I'm willing to develop myself as a researcher at the University of Genova and do my best to contribute to the department and the science itself.
Hobbies: Reading, writing, sports in general: football, padel, chess (yes, chess), video-games and films.