Project Publications
- Ewa Bednarczuk, Giovanni Bruccola, Jean-Christophe Pesquet, K. Rutkowski, Outer Approximation Scheme for Weakly Convex Constrained Optimization Problems. ArXiv, 2024, pdf
Ewa Bednarczuk, Dirk Lorenz, The Hung Tran, Proximal Algorithms for a class of abstract convex functions. ArXiv, 2024, pdf
Ewa Bednarczuk, The Hung Tran, Monika Syga, Primal-dual algorithm for weakly convex functions under sharpness conditions. ArXiv, 2024,pdf
Kristian Bredies, Enis Chenchene, Josef Fuchs and Bernd Luber, Proximal Gauss–Newton method for box-constrained parameter identification of a nonlinear railway suspension system. International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management, 2024, pdf
Kristian Bredies, Enis Chenchene, Emanuele Naldi, Graph and distributed extensions of the Douglas–Rachford method. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 2024, pdf
Kristian Bredies, Jonathan Chirinos Rodriguez, Emanuele Naldi, On extreme points and representer theorems for the Lipschitz unit ball on finite metric spaces. Archiv der Mathematik, 2024, pdf
Kristian Bredies, Jonathan Chirinos Rodriguez, Emanuele Naldi, Learning firmly non expansive operators. ArXiv, 2024, pdf
Jonathan Chirinos Rodriguez, Ernesto De Vito, Cesare Molinari, Lorenzo Rosasco and Silvia Villa. A Supervised Learning Approach to Regularization of Inverse Problems. Inverse Problems, 2024, pdf
Flavia Chorobura, Ion Necoara, Coordinate descent methods beyond smoothness and separability, Computational Optimization and Applications, 2024, pdf
Flavia Chorobura, Ion Necoara, Jean-Christophe Pesquet An adaptive forward-backward-forward split- ting algorithm for solving pseudo-monotone inclusions, HAL, 2024, pdf
Emilie Chouzenoux, Marie Caroline Corbineau, Jean-Christophe Pesquet, Gabriele Scrivanti. Variational Approach for Joint Image Recovery and Feature Extraction Based on Spatially-Varying Generalised Gaussian Models. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 2024, pdf
- Mouna Gharbi, Emilie Chouzenoux, Jean-Christophe Pesquet, An unrolled half-quadratic approach for sparse signal recovery in spectroscopy, Signal Processing 2024, pdf
- Mouna Gharbi, Silvia Villa, Emilie Chouzenoux, Jean-Christophe Pesquet, Unrolled deep networks for sparse signal restoration in analytical chemistry, IEEE 34th International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing 2024, pdf
- Hippolyte Labarrière, Cesare Molinari, Lorenzo Rosasco, Silvia Villa, Cristian Vega, Optimization Insights into Deep Diagonal Linear Networks, arXiv 2024, pdf
- Dirk Lorenz, Jannis Marquardt, Emanuele Naldi, The degenerate variable metric proximal point algorithm and adaptive stepsizes for primal–dual Douglas–Rachford. Optimization, 2024, pdf
Maicon Marques Alves, Dirk Lorenz, Emanuele Naldi, A general framework for inexact splitting algorithms with relative errors and applications to Chambolle-Pock and Davis-Yin methods. ArXiv, 2024, pdf
Yassine Nabou, François Glineur, and Ion Necoara. Proximal gradient methods with inexact oracle of degree q for composite optimization. Optimization Letters, 2024, pdf
Yassine Nabou and Ion Necoara. Efficiency of higher-order algorithms for minimizing composite functions. Computational Optimization and Applications, 2024, pdf
Yassine Nabou and Ion Necoara. Moving higher-order Taylor approximations method for smooth constrained minimization problems. ArXiv, 2024, pdf
Ion Necoara, Flavia Chorobura, Efficiency of stochastic coordinate proximal gradient methods on nonseparable composite optimization. Mathematics of Operations Research, 2024, pdf
Lionel Tondji, Ion Tondji, and Dirk Lorenz. Adaptive Bregman-Kaczmarz: An approach to solve linear inverse problems with independent noise exactly. Inverse Problems, 2024, pdf
Lionel Tondji, Ion Necoara, Dirk Lorenz, Acceleration and restart for the randomized Bregman-Kaczmarz method. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2024, pdf
- Cheik Traoré, Vassilis Apidopoulos, Saverio Salzo, Silvia Villa, Variance reduction techniques for stochastic proximal point algorithms, Journal of Optimization theory and Applications 2024, pdf
Guillaume Vidon, G. Scrivanti, Etienne Soret, Nao Harada, Emilie Chouzenoux, Jean-Christophe Pesquet, Jean-François Guillemoles, Stefania Cacovich. Rapid and Noise-Resilient Mapping of Photogenerated Carrier Lifetime in Halide Perovskite Thin Films. Advanced Functional Materials. 2024, pdf
Ewa Bednarczuk and Giovanni Bruccola. On global solvability of a class of possibly nonconvex QCQP problems in Hilbert spaces. Optimization, 2023, pdf
Ewa Bednarczuk and Giovanni Bruccola. Finding global solutions for a class of possibly nonconvex QCQP problems through the S-lemma. Optimization, 2023, pdf
Ewa Bednarczuk, Giovanni Bruccola, Gabriele Scrivanti and The Hung Tran. Calculus rules for proximal ε-subdifferentials and inexact proximity operators for weakly convex functions. 21st European Control Conference (ECC), Bucharest (Romania), 2023, pdf
Ewa Bednarczuk, Giovanni Bruccola, Gabriele Scrivanti and The Hung Tran. Forward-backward algorithms for weakly convex problems. ArXiv, 2023, pdf
Ewa Bednarczuk, The Hung Tran, Duality for composite optimization problem within the framework of abstract convexity. Optimization, 2023., pdf
Kristian Bredies, Enis Chenchene, Alireza Hosseini. A hybrid proximal generalized conditional gradient method and application to total variation parameter learning. In: 2023 European Control Conference. 2023, pdf
Flavia Chorobura, Ion Necoara, Random coordinate descent methods for nonseparable composite optimization. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 2023, pdf
Flavia Chorobura, François Glineur, Ion Necoara, Can random proximal coordinate descent be accelerated on nonseparable convex composite minimization problems? Proceeding of IEEE European Control Conference, 2023, pdf
Sebastan Endt, Maria Engel, Emanuele Naldi, Rodolfo Assereto, Malwina Molendowska, Lars Mueller, Claudio Mayrink Verdun, Carolin M. Pirkl, Marco Palombo, Derek K. Jones and Marion I. Menzel. In vivo myelin water quantification using diffusion–relaxation correlation MRI: A comparison of 1D and 2D methods. Applied Magnetic Resonance, 2023, pdf
Yassine Kamri, J. Hendrickx, and François Glineur, On the worst-case analysis of cyclic coordinate-wise algorithms on smooth convex functions. 2023 European Control Conference (ECC). IEEE, 2023, pdf
Dirk Lorenz, Felix Schneppe, and Lionel Tondji. Linearly convergent adjoint free solution of least squares problems by random descent. Inverse Problems, 2023, pdf
Yassine Nabou, Lucian Toma and Ion Necoara. Modified projected Gauss–Newton method for constrained nonlinear least-squares: application to power flow analysis. Proceedings of the European Control Conference (ECC 2023), 2023, pdf
Sofiane Tanji, Andrea Della Vecchia, François Glineur, Silvia Villa, Snacks: a fast large-scale kernel SVM solver, 2023 European Control Conference (ECC), 2023, pdf
Lionel Tondji, Dirk Lorenz, Faster randomized block sparse Kaczmarz by averaging. Numerical Algorithms, 2023, pdf
Lionel Tondji, Ion Necoara, Dirk Lorenz, An accelerated randomized Bregman-Kaczmarz method for strongly convex linearly constraint optimization. 2023 European Control Conference (ECC), 2023, pdf
- Cheik Traoré, Saverio Salzo, Silvia Villa, Convergence of an Asynchronous Block-Coordinate Forward-Backward Algorithm for Convex Composite Optimization, Computational Optimization and Applications 2023, pdf
- Cristian Vega, Cesare Molinari, Lorenzo Rosasco, Silvia Villa, Fast iterative regularization by reusing data, Journal of Inverse and Ill-posed Problems 2023, pdf
Kristian Bredies, Enis Chenchene, Dirk Lorenz, Emanuele Naldi, Degenerate preconditioned proximal point algorithms, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 2022.
- Luis Briceño-Arias, Julio Deride, Cristian Vega, Random Activations in Primal-Dual Splittings for Monotone Inclusions with a Priori Information, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 2022, pdf
- Flavia Chorobura, Daniela Lupu, Ion Necoara, Coordinate projected gradient descent minimization and its application to orthogonal nonnegative matrix factorization. Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2022, pdf
- Frank Schöpfer, Dirk Lorenz, Lionel Tondji, Maximilian Winkler, Extended randomized Kaczmarz method for sparse least squares and impulsive noise problems. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2022, pdf
- G. Scrivanti, E. Chouzenoux, and J.C. Pesquet. A CNC Approach for Directional Total Variation, 30th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Belgrade (Serbia), 2022, pdf