Host Institution: CentraleSupélec
Supervisor: Émilie Chouzenoux
Personal Website: https://sites.google.com/view/mounagharbi/accueil
Workpackages to which it is related: WP2, WP4
Objectives: Development of a new generation of unfolded MM algorithms to manage very large datasets
I believe this PhD will be the perfect enclosing step of my academic years and the opportunity to build the career I always dreamt of, that of a researcher. In fact, fundamentals have been my companion since my early school years, but delving into the engineering world opened up my eyes to the many challenges the world is facing today, which gave me the desire to be part of the scientist researchers who will help solve those issues.
The offered position, encompassing optimization and high performance computing to tackle and exploit the increasing flow of the incoming data was so appealing to me, since It presents the opportunity to be part of a team capable of proposing solutions to different real world problems by applying theoretical knowledge mainly optimization.
Furthermore the nontraditional aspects of learning proposed and the honorable prestigious network leading this scientific inquiry made this PhD position even more interesting to me.
I am an engineer passionate about science, always curious and eager to learn and absorb more. I am fascinated by the cosmos and its organisms, and I dream of unveiling the universe’s mysteries. I find signals quiet interesting and I believe they are the magical component connecting all life’s aspects together. The motto I live by is: “a river cuts through a rock not because of its power but its persistence”, In fact no matter how hard or complicated a matter seems, continuous tiny steps will eventually create the change needed. As a scientist, art is a major component of my personality because it adds the creativity touch I need and it inspires me to move forward.
I enjoy doing many activities in my spare time; although I started painting this year, it became my favorite hobby. So far I have finished four paintings and I am working on my fifth.
I also love listening to music, discovering different genres, singing and playing music with my friends. Furthermore, I enjoy sightseeing, so if I have enough time, I would visit natural places and enjoy a peaceful walk, or even go on a small trip.
And last but not least I love visiting exhibitions, attending concerts and going to social cultural events alone or with friends.