Host Institution: UPB
Supervisor: Ion Necoara
Personal web page: yassine-nabou.github.io
I was born and raised in Marrakech, Morocco where I received my bachelor degree in Mathematics and computer science on 2016, thereafter, i joined university Hassan 1, Faculty of science and technology where i got my master degree in Mathematics and computer science on 2018. After i received my master degree, I had chance and i was invited by the Toulouse Mathematics Institute for a Ph.D. program which was a collaboration between university in Morocco and university in France. My research was focused on optimization and variational inequality. Unfortunately there was a lack of finding the funds which lead us to terminate the collaboration.
Motivation: This Ph.D. program will be perfect to build my career which always was my dream. I am always passionate and very interested to take on optimization, machine learning, big Data and data science. I am highly interested in developing efficient optimization-based schemes for large-scale systems. I am glad to be a part of an amazing team.
Hobbies: I enjoy doing many activities, such biking and hiking the mountains , swimming and discovering new places and emerging into new cultures.
Current position
Postoctoral fellow: University of Helsinki