Host Institution: CentraleSupélec
Supervisor: Jean-Christophe Pesquet
Personal webpage: Linkedn
Workpackages to which it is related: WP1, WP4
Objectives: Solution of large-scale nonconvex optimization problems by using convex tools, e.g convex relaxations
I got my MSc in Applied Mathematics at University of Bologna (Italy) in march 2020 and in my thesis I proposed a variational method for the resolution of the Electrical Impedance Tomography inverse problem based on advanced tools from space-variant non-convex optimization.
Motivation: During my master thesis project I got a taste of what it means to do research in Applied Mathematics and I have found myself motivated by the idea of constantly challenging my skills under the guidance of inspiring, passionate and experienced mentors and team collaborators. As for my ambitions, I am interested in acquiring technical competences and broadening my scientific knowledge for a career in application-oriented research where technological developments could provide novel solutions to real-world problems. Being part of this project will allow me to focus on the field of mathematical optimization that strongly stimulates my scientific interest as it builds the bridge between my academic background and the lively field of data science. A key role for the attractiveness of this project is surely played by the international scientific environment that it offers along with the opportunity represented by working with world-wide experts in the field.
Hobbies: I spent my fourth year of high school (2012-2013) as an exchange student in Sweden with an organization called AFS, for which I have been volunteering ever since I came back. In my spare time I enjoy practicing yoga and reading. I am a mountain enthusiast: I love hiking during summer and downhill skiing during winter and I would like to learn to cross-country ski.
Current position
Postoctoral fellow: Institute Photovoltaique d'Ile-de-France (IPVF)
Institut Photovoltaïque d'Ile-de-France (IPVF)
This website has been developed and is being maintained by the TraDE-OPT ITN project which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme under The Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 861137