Host Institution: UniGe
Supervisor: Silvia Villa
Personal web page: Twitter: @iamcheiktraore
Workpackages to which it is related: WP1, WP2, WP4
I did a bachelor in Fundamental Mathematics that I complemented with a "Maitrise" (a bit like a Bsc Hons) at Université Nazi Boni in Burkina Faso, my home country, in 2015. I went on to complete a master in Mathematical Science at African Institute for Mathematical Sciences in Senegal in 2018. After spending 18 months as a Web developer, I decided to do a Msc in "Mathématiques, Vision, Apprentissage" (Math, Vision and Learning) at ENS Paris-Saclay in France in 2020.
Motivation: I am interested in the theory of optimization and machine learning and, their applications. I aim to develop theories in those fields and investigate how they can be used to build efficient systems.
Hobbies: I like football, very occasionally playing checkers and, small film making and video editing.
Current position
Postodoctoral fellow: Mathematical Optimization for Data Science Group, Saarland University
This website has been developed and is being maintained by the TraDE-OPT ITN project which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme under The Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 861137